Sunday, December 2, 2012
FREE Body Wash!!!
It's been getting harder and harder to find FREE body wash. A couple of years ago I was awash with body wash because it was so easy to get for free. However, lately it's been tough to score free body wash.
However, I have found a deal which allows you to get up to 10 bottles of 16 oz Axe Body Wash (or "Shower Gel" as they call it) for free. Since these deals don't come around too often, I recommend you take advantage of it.
Here is how it works for you folks living in an area served by Publix. Right now Axe is on sale at Publix until next Friday for just $3.49. The current Green Advantage Flyer available at all Publix outlets has a store coupon for $1. Now if you check today's newspaper in the SmartSource flyer, you should see an Axe coupon for $2.00. So when you combine the store and the manufacturer's coupons you get $3 off. Huh? But...but what about that extra 49 cents remaining. After all, 10 times 49 cents is $4.90 for all ten bottles. A good price but hardly free. Well, if you had been collecting Winn Dixie $5 off $30 coupons like I recommended you can apply it to this deal to absorb that extra $4.90. Oh, and don't worry about it being a Winn Dixie coupon. You can still use it at Publix if you have Winn Dixie stores in the area.
Perhaps you should do like me and stock up on Winn Dixie coupons. One option is to buy the City Entertainment books. Each book has 4 Winn Dixie coupons. Sometime soon I will get into detail on that deal but it is well worth it since you get each $5 Winn Dixie coupon for under a buck. Plus you get coupons you can use for fast food stores such as Burger King which are worth more that you are paying for the book.
One big advantage of body wash is they are great to have as part of your survivalist gear. Let's say the economy goes so far down the tubes that you find yourself without running water for extended periods of time. So how to shower? Simple. It's called rain. Simply walk outside with a washcloth and soap during rainstorms and shower away via Mother Nature. Body wash is preferable to simple bar soap since the latter will melt while you are showering outside. Plus where do you put the soap? With body wash you just squeeze the amount you want into a washcloth and then close the bottle and set it on the ground. No losing vital soap as you would do with a bar of soap.
Fortunately, here in South Florida, the hottest, most humid time of year when you really need to bathe is also the rainiest time of year. Almost every afternoon has thunderstorms so daily Mother Nature showering is easily available. And you can bet I have been stocking up on body wash should such showering be necessary.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Coupon Your Way to a FREE Thanksgiving Dinner
This is the third Thanksgiving in a row in which I "bought" my dinner components for FREE. Here is what I was able to get via coupons:
21 lb turkey
5 boxes stuffing
5 jars gravy
5 cans cranberry sauce
1 gallon egg nog
All that's really left is pumpkin pie and I will get that by using coupons to get cans of the pumpkins as well as the pie shells and bake them myself.
Sooooo... How did I do it? Each year required a different couponing strategy but fortunately the couponing stars went into an almost perfect alignment for me this year. Basically I used the overage provided by Sundown vitamin coupons. Here is how it worked:
Sundown vitamin A and D3 were priced at $3.29. Publix had an ad that ran to last Friday in their Green Sheet in which you got $5 off any 2 Sundown coupons PLUS a recent Red Plum newspaper insert had coupons for $2 off any Sundown. Combine the two together (you are allowed to combine store and manufacturer's coupons) and that gave an overage of $1.21 per Sundown or $2.42 for every pair you purchased. Therefore if you bought 8 of the vitamin A or D3 you had an overage of $9.68.
But wait, there's MORE!!!
On top of that I also used a $5 off $30 Winn Dixie coupon giving me a total of $14.68 overage. Huh? How can I use a Winn Dixie coupon in a Publix? Because Winn Dixie is considered a competitor in my area and Publix accepts W/D coupons. So now you know how I got my FREE turkey.
Not every store had 8 of those types of Sundown coupons but they usually had at least a couple and using the overages provided I picked up the less expensive stuff. Each year a different couponing strategy was used to get a FREE Thanksgiving dinner so I recommend you "grok" the solution for yourself, or better yet, consult the many couponing sites that provide such tips.
BTW, The Coupon Whisperer is going Survivalist so keep checking this blog on using couponing to get free or cheap survivalist stuff. One tip I give you right now is you should make sure you have an ample supply of propane. You could easily end up in a situation of power outages and you need a way to cook your food. My propane I have been getting FREE via GroupOn. They only offer it once in a while but you want to be already signed up (FREE to signup) and ready to grab that deal the next time it is offered. There are also other survivalist related stuff you can obtain via GroupOn.
To sign up for GroupOn, just Click HERE.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
FREE Obama Coffee This Saturday!!!
Actually it is really just FREE coffee for National Coffee Day this Saturday but, hey, in the spirit of the Obama Phone Lady why not pitch it as Obama Coffee? Here is a list of places to get your FREE (unObama) Coffee this Saturday. Oh, and it starts early at 7-Eleven where you can get a jump on your FREE coffee as soon as Friday:
I don't like to feel like a complete mooch so I will buy a breakfast sandwich or a donut to go with my FREE coffee. Or perhaps the Obama Phone Lady can give us some inside info on Obama Donuts?
Finally, if you haven't yet joined GroupOn, it is getting better and better. Just recently I picked up a 4 hour drift boat fishing trip for two. However, I begged my wife NOT to embarrass me by screaming hysterically if she catches a fish. You can sign up for GroupOn for FREE by clicking HERE and they will send you details via email of any good deals in your area. Be sure to check out when they offer good lodging deals near Disney World and Universal Studios in Orlando.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
More FREE Propane!!!
One of the biggest misconceptions about GroupOn is that it is strictly for restaurants, entertainment, and travel. Well, your humble correspondent has taken advantage of those discount offers but for the most part, I have used GroupOn for "meat and potatoes" necessities. And one of my favorite necessities is propane. You might remember I had a post in this blog last year about getting FREE propane and guess what? I did it again!
I bought the propane last year in August but used my GroupOn coupon in January to score my FREE propane. Well, since I use the barbeque a couple of times per week, my tank will soon run out of propane. A few days ago I drove by the propane place where I got my tank in January and made the wish that the propane deal would become available again. It was almost like the Coupon god was reading my mind because on Monday, I saw the same propane deal on GroupOn again. Of course I immediately "bought" it since this is something I definitely need.
I put "bought" in quotes since I actually paid NO money for the propane. The reason is that I referred so many people that I earned plenty of GroupOn bucks with which I "paid" for the propane. In fact, the grand total of money out of my pocket that I have spent ever since joining GroupOn has been $7 and that was for a $15 eBay gift card which I used immediately. Everything else was purchased with the GroupOn bucks I earned from referrals.
My most exotic purchase so far has been for a four hour kayaking trip which I will take in a couple of weeks. Everything else has been the meat and potatoes stuff.
Since my propane wish has been granted perhaps I can be granted my other GroupOn wish: Discount tickets for Rapids Water Park in West Palm Beach. I've seen the Water Park from the outside and it is HUGE. If GroupOn makes such a discount deal available, I would snap it up for myself and relatives including 3 kids who I know would love the place.
Of course, this would end up as a FREE deal for me if I earn just a few more GroupOn bucks. So just click HERE to give me those referral bucks that I could apply to the Water Park. BTW, it is FREE to join GroupOn and the advantage is that you will be informed of all the deals in your area so you will be ready to snap them up when they become available.
Oh, and just so you know, I did see a Bahamas cruise for two for two nights including meals for just $199. So if you are planning to visit South Florida sometime in the next year, you might want to take advantage of that at GroupOn.
Friday, June 22, 2012
The Coupon Whisperer Becomes South Florida Barter King

Using the amazing powers that I developed as The Coupon Whisperer, I am now combining those skills to become the South Florida Barter King. I am sort of inspired to do so by the new "Barter Kings" show even though that series is obviously highly scripted. However, since I had some good barter experiences in the past, I plan to hone my bartering skills hopefully up to the level of my couponing skulls.
Yesterday, I performed my first coupon/barter deal. I picked up two dozen FREE bottles of body wash using coupons and traded them to my friend the Liquor Man for a 1 liter bottle of Grey Goose. The value of the Grey Goose is between $40 and $50 while the value of the body wash was about a hundred bucks. However, keep in mind the cost of that body wash to me was ZERO plus I already have a year's supply of the stuff and don't need any more.
So what to do with the Grey Goose? Well, I can drink it...or trade it for something else. And what would that "something else" be? Well, for me it would ultimately be a 1080 HD video camera so I can record episodes of "The South Florida Barter King" and upload them to YouTube so other folks can learn how to combine couponing with bartering.
But WAIT!!! The South Florida Barter King now has a SWEETENER! I am willing to throw in a 100% leather licensed Miami Heat jacket into the deal! Size large. I rarely wear it since I wear it only in very cold weather which doesn't happen too often down here. Therefore the jacket is in EXCELLENT condition.
So if you have a 1080 HD video camera that you want to exchange for a bottle of Grey Goose AND a Miami Heat leather jacket, pleased contact the Coupon Whisperer. As a fringe benefit, I would use that camera to record the sealing of the barter deal so you would appear in the FIRST episode of The South Florida Barter King show.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Fantastic Easily Available Meat Coupons
If you are even a casual couponer you know it is not difficult to score stuff like toothpaste and body wash for FREE or close to it. Plus you should have no trouble finding coupons for many food items. However, the major part of any food budget is meat and where do you find coupons for those packages of steak and other such goodies. Well, GOOD NEWS!!! I accidentally discovered a way to drastically cut down on meat costs. Here is what happened:
Several weeks ago I was at my local Super Target to buy Scrubbing Bubbles toilet kit refills. They had a deal where you got a $5 gift card when you buy 3 of them and combined with coupons the cost was almost nothing. Well, I spotted a half dozen of the refills on a shelf but I discovered that I had FORGOTTEN to bring my coupons so I went home. Since I was too tired to return to the Super Target, I decided to return the next day first thing in the morning to make sure I could get the remaining Scrubbing Bubbles toilet kit refills.
The next morning I was there at a little after 8 AM just after the store opened. I got on line with my refills and I noticed two women ahead of me who both had a bunch of skirt steaks so I asked them if they were on sale. They showed me the steaks and they all had $3 coupons on them. Since I love skirt steaks I immediately left the checkout line and made a beeline to the meat department where I pulled out several skirt steaks with the $3 coupons on them. Since the original price on all was a little over six bucks, that meant I got them all for a little over $3 each! The meat manager also told me they put out the meats with the coupons first thing in the morning.
Therefore I have made many morning trips to the nearby Super Target for the meat coupon deals. I don't always find the coupons on steaks but I almost always find them on other items like premium hamburger meat and boneless chicken breasts. The best time to get these deals is between 8 and 9 A.M.. I used to find these meat deals in the afternoon but not often. The best stuff get scooped up in the morning. Look for those $3 coupons on the smallest cuts available to get the most meat bang for your buck.
Since I know you will be so incredibly grateful to me for offering such great coupon information such as this meat deal, you will want to show your gratitude by clicking HERE so I can earn more Groupon bucks after you make your first purchase should you decide to do so. Of course if you click on any of the Groupon links here I still qualify for the Groupon bucks. Hee! Hee!
Friday, March 9, 2012
Score $1 Swiffer Kits & Refills + FREE Quart Paint

It's been like a coupon desert out there for the past few weeks but, fortunately, tomorrow there are a couple of SUPER Deals. In particular you can score Swiffer Duster Kits AND Refills for just a buck each. Here is how it works:
First go over to Dollar General and print out a couple of their $5 off $25 purchase coupons which are good for Saturday 3/10 ONLY. Then cut out a few of the Swiffer Coupons from the March Procter & Gamble inserts which state "Buy One Swiffer Starter Kit, Get One Refill FREE." You don't have the March P&G insert? Then blame YOURSELF because The Coupon Whisperer has already told you to collect them and treat them like gold.
For those who heeded the advice of The Coupon Whisperer, then head over to the Dollar General store on Saturday and pick up 2 Swiffer Starter Kits which sell for $4.50 each and 2 Refills which sell for $8.00 each. Add that total up and it comes out to $25 but you won't be paying anything near that because the first thing you do after it is all rung up is hand the cashier the $5 off $25 coupon. After that hand her two of the Buy One Swiffer Kit Get One Refill Free coupons thus making the two refills FREE to you knocking $16 off the $20 price ($25 total minus the $5 DG coupon) making it a grand total of only $4 or only a buck per Swiffer item.
For those of you who did NOT take my advice about collecting as many P&G inserts as possible, a consolation prize. You can still score a FREE quart of paint at Ace Hardware tomorrow. Just print out this COUPON and fill it out. Then head out to Ace Hardware first thing tomorrow morning to redeem it for a FREE quart of paint. I say go FIRST THING in the morning because each Ace Hardware store is giving away only about 40 quarts of paint so you want to get there before supplies run out.
Finally, for those of you aspiring writers suffering from Writer's Block. Good news! Help is on the way in the form of my personal guide recently published and available at Amazon: How To Overcome Writer's Block In Less Than An Hour. It is the BEST guide out there on how to overcome this affliction. How do I know that? Because I suffered severely from writer's block for years and checked out a lot of literature on the subject. None of them did me any good. Too much hocus pocus about self-hypnosis, meditation, etc.. Therefore I endeavored to be like a Thomas Edison of Writer's Block with trial and error experiments. This guide is the result of my successful experiments that are guaranteed to make you easily overcome writer's block in LESS THAN AN HOUR.
And if you want to see just how horribly I suffered from writer's block then just click on the FREE "Send Sample Now" button. Remember, you don't need a Kindle Reader to read Kindle books and articles. You can read Kindle material on your own computer by downloading Kindle software for FREE right HERE.
Good luck tomorrow scoring your CHEAP Swiffer Duster Kits, Refills, and FREE paint. And if you are struggling with Writer's Block, a whole new world is about to be opened up for you via my guide on Amazon.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Family Dollar Surreal Coupon Experience

I came up to the cashier with four Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Kits and this is what happened after the cashier stared at my coupons as if they were radioactive objects from an alien planet:
ME: I believe those strange things are called "coupons."
Then the cashier left her post and rushed over to the manager in the back office for consultation.
The manager comes over to me with his "sincere" regrets:
MANAGER: Sorry, we can't use those coupons because they expired.
ME: Read the date on the coupons.
MANAGER: December 31.
ME: Right but what year?
MANAGER: December 31, 2012.
ME: So what's the problem?
MANAGER: They're expired.
ME: What year is this?
MANAGER: 2012.
ME: Right, so what's the problem?
MANAGER: They're expired.
ME: Not until the last day of THIS year.
MANAGER: Oh, I see now. They aren't expired. I'm sorry for the error.
Okay, so cashier is about to scan the coupons when ANOTHER manager comes up to us.
NEW MANAGER: I have to check these coupons first on the computer.
ME: For what?
NEW MANAGER: I have to make sure they're not fake.
ME: Ma'am, these coupons are printed on both sides on cardboard. Not printouts from the Web.
NEW MANAGER: I still have to make sure.
(Five minutes goes by while New Manager checks on the computer.)
ME: Can I use my coupons BEFORE they expire at the end of this year?
NEW MANAGER: Sorry. Okay those coupons aren't on our list.
ME: Good. Let's finish this purchase.
MANAGER: But first, I need to call the corporate office.
ME: What for?
NEW MANAGER: To make sure these coupons are okay.
ME: Right because obviously the North Koreans could be taking a break from forging hundred dollar bills by switching to forged $3 coupons. One just can't be too careful.
(New Manager talks on phone for several minutes.)
ME: Why do I feel like I am trapped in a rip in the space/time continuum?
NEW MANAGER: Okay, they couldn't find anything wrong with the coupons.
ME: You mean we can finally complete this purchase?
NEW MANAGER: Yes, but first I have to double check with someone else at corporate.
ME: Why do I feel like I travelled back in time 70 years to a train checkpoint in Occupied Europe? Achtung! Papieren!
(Confused look on New Manager's face.)
(Minutes go by)
NEW MANAGER: Okay, I think I can let you use the coupons.
ME: Are you sure you don't want to completely waste another 15 minutes of my time?
NEW MANAGER (to cashier): Go ahead and check him out with the coupons.
ME: Gee! I finally get to see what life is like on the other side of Checkpoint Charlie.
Some of you might have seen the 60 Minutes interview last Sunday with the founder, Andrew Mason. I've been using GroupOn for over a year and maybe it isn't a great business model for them but for us customers, some of the deals are absolutely spectacular. For example last week I got myself a propane tank refill for absolutely NOTHING using my GroupOn coupon that I "purchased" last summer using my GroupOn bucks which means the propane cost me NOTHING. Perhaps the GroupOn business model might ultimately fail which was hinted at during the program but for now the deals are fantastic for us so I'm not going to worry much about the future.
If you haven't already signed up with GroupOn, you can do so by clicking HERE. It's FREE to sign up and the deals are tailored to your geographic area.
After you use GroupOn the first time, I earn more GroupOn dollars so I can continue getting FREE stuff. You can do the same via referrals.