It's been like a coupon desert out there for the past few weeks but, fortunately, tomorrow there are a couple of SUPER Deals. In particular you can score Swiffer Duster Kits AND Refills for just a buck each. Here is how it works:
First go over to Dollar General and print out a couple of their $5 off $25 purchase coupons which are good for Saturday 3/10 ONLY. Then cut out a few of the Swiffer Coupons from the March Procter & Gamble inserts which state "Buy One Swiffer Starter Kit, Get One Refill FREE." You don't have the March P&G insert? Then blame YOURSELF because The Coupon Whisperer has already told you to collect them and treat them like gold.
For those who heeded the advice of The Coupon Whisperer, then head over to the Dollar General store on Saturday and pick up 2 Swiffer Starter Kits which sell for $4.50 each and 2 Refills which sell for $8.00 each. Add that total up and it comes out to $25 but you won't be paying anything near that because the first thing you do after it is all rung up is hand the cashier the $5 off $25 coupon. After that hand her two of the Buy One Swiffer Kit Get One Refill Free coupons thus making the two refills FREE to you knocking $16 off the $20 price ($25 total minus the $5 DG coupon) making it a grand total of only $4 or only a buck per Swiffer item.
For those of you who did NOT take my advice about collecting as many P&G inserts as possible, a consolation prize. You can still score a FREE quart of paint at Ace Hardware tomorrow. Just print out this COUPON and fill it out. Then head out to Ace Hardware first thing tomorrow morning to redeem it for a FREE quart of paint. I say go FIRST THING in the morning because each Ace Hardware store is giving away only about 40 quarts of paint so you want to get there before supplies run out.
Finally, for those of you aspiring writers suffering from Writer's Block. Good news! Help is on the way in the form of my personal guide recently published and available at Amazon: How To Overcome Writer's Block In Less Than An Hour. It is the BEST guide out there on how to overcome this affliction. How do I know that? Because I suffered severely from writer's block for years and checked out a lot of literature on the subject. None of them did me any good. Too much hocus pocus about self-hypnosis, meditation, etc.. Therefore I endeavored to be like a Thomas Edison of Writer's Block with trial and error experiments. This guide is the result of my successful experiments that are guaranteed to make you easily overcome writer's block in LESS THAN AN HOUR.
And if you want to see just how horribly I suffered from writer's block then just click on the FREE "Send Sample Now" button. Remember, you don't need a Kindle Reader to read Kindle books and articles. You can read Kindle material on your own computer by downloading Kindle software for FREE right HERE.
Good luck tomorrow scoring your CHEAP Swiffer Duster Kits, Refills, and FREE paint. And if you are struggling with Writer's Block, a whole new world is about to be opened up for you via my guide on Amazon.